Monday 5 April 2010

Hampton Court Flower Show

A sea of roses, the smell was so strong you could smell it from the car park.

Do you see a flower show in these pictures? You won't because Hampton Court Flower Show isn't on in June, its in July.
We planned to go up to the Flower show, my mother had booked the tickets and told us when it was I had said its weird that gardeners world aren't covering the show this year they haven't mentioned anything about it. My mother said it must be because of the recession might be cutting back.
So in the month of June me, my mother and father got up very early and drove up to Hampton Court to beat the rush of people which would be attending the flower show. I won't lie we were a bit suspicious when we had no queues coming into the area. Also we did manage to park in the car park in the grounds, but instead of thinking what's going on? we congratulated ourselves on arriving so early so we could get such a good space. Ticket in hand we strolled off towards the palace and seeing that there were no directions to the flower show I went into the reception saying"hello we are here for the flower show can you tell us where it is" the reception looked at me for a while not saying anything, I thought they misunderstood so I said " we are here for Hampton court flower show its today" they said "what flower show" I said "the one we bought tickets for". And they said "do you mean the one that's on in July?" and then one of them went off and came back with a very large poster for the flower show which in large letters said JULY.
As we were there we made a day of it and got to see the palace, and because we were so early it was basically us for a long while without any other tourists, then we finished about 12 and decided to got to Kew aswell.

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