Tuesday 5 August 2008

In the beginning

At the moment my plot looks like a gravel pit its actually meant to be a boules piste (french father) but i have bought a pick axe and will be digging up the membrane then its compacted soil from their on.

Meanwhile I will be sticking to my vegetable and fruit which are scattered around the garden. Strawberry hanging baskets, kiwi fruit plant, blueberry bush, swiss chard, corn, carrots, onions, brussel sprouts .........

......... and my very compacted strip of soil containing salads, corgettes, pumpkins, squashes, beans french and haricots.
This is also my newly improved alpine garden. Before it looked like this it was a real mess huge overgrown weeds, which i puled out dug over and bought some alpines and they have tripled in size!

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